Sr. Engineering Manager, working with Open Source Software for about 22 years, former Cloud Developer, Systems Programmer, Sysadmin, Q.A. Engineer and Programmer.
- Swim - I usually swim 2-3 days a week
- Biking - Heavily attached to biking, I do urban biking, and from time to time mountain biking.
- Outdoors - Walk int he country with my dog, loves sunrises more than sunsets, heavily connected with biking and dog
- Reading - Classic literacy, fantasy, sci-fi and work related books.
- Movies - Love watching movies a lot, and one or two series.
- Barbequer - I like learning and cooking bbq
Formal Bio Spanish
Geronimo Orozco tiene 23+ años de experiencia en software, obtuvo una Licenciatura en Informatica y curso la Maestría en Tecnología de la Información. Fue co-fundador del Grupo Linux de Occidente A.C. en 1999, miembro de la organización del Festival de Software Libre de 2002 a 2007, desarrolló el software de conferencias YaCOMAS lanzado bajo la GPL en 2004, co-organizador de OpenStackGDL de 2014 a 2018. Ha laborado en diversas empresas nacionales y transnacionales donde ha ocupado diversos roles: Programmer, Ingeniero de Aseguramiento de Calidad, Programador de Sistemas, Sysadmin, Ingeniero de Software e Ingeniero DevOps.
Se unió a Intel en 2011 para hacer software development, despues se movio a Software Engineering Manager liderando equipos de desarrollo de software creando soluciones basadas en código abierto para Intel.
Formal Bio English
Geronimo Orozco has 23+ years of experience in software, obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s Degree in Information Technology. He was a co-founder of Grupo Linux de Occidente A.C. In 1999, co-organizer of the Conference Festival de Software Libre, from 2002 to 2007, he developed the YaCOMAS conference software released under the GPL in 2004, co-organizer of OpenStackGDL from 2014 to 2018. He has worked in various national and transnational companies where he has held various roles: Programmer, Quality Assurance Engineer, Systems Programmer, Sysadmin, Software Engineer and DevOps Engineer.
He joined Intel in 2011 doing software automation for 4 years, then moved to Software Engineering Manager leading software development teams creating open source based solutions for Intel.